No thanks, I don’t need rent guarantee insurance – I’ve never had a problem before!

Hmm, famous last words, right!

As an agent coming up to 25 years in the world of residential lettings, I have seen a lot of issues that have made many a client change their mind on giving the response above and these clients are now living in a world of peace & tranquillity, knowing they have a policy set up that has ‘got their backs’ and will ensure that, in the unlikely event a claim is required, they’re covered financially.

Add to this that the housing charity Shelter suggests that one in three working families wouldn’t be able to pay their rent or mortgage for more than a month if the main breadwinner became unemployed, this really is a fragile time for many people, and we believe that every landlord should maximise their protection wherever they can and that a Rent Guarantee Policy is key.

Tell me why do you rent your property?

I would think it is because you had the funds to buy an investment property, or perhaps you inherited a property, or moved in with a partner and had a ‘spare’ house or flat and decide renting it out was a wise move. And I would of course agree, this is an excellent way to help with the housing crisis whilst maximising your income in rent, but being a landlord is not simple, there is growing legislation and obligations and it can be a minefield. At Latham Smith, Ben and I hope that we make the process of renting straightforward and allows you to enjoy the process and reap the benefits.

But what happens when it goes wrong?

In the unlikely event that your tenant finds themselves out of work suddenly or perhaps there is a separation of relationships and one of your tenants finds themselves alone and, in a position, they simply can’t pay the rent, or maybe they have asked for a heavy reduction in rent. Perhaps you have the ‘one in a million’ scammer who, despite all referencing saying otherwise, they have no intention of paying their rent. Rare but possible I’m sorry to say. Whatever the reason, despite best efforts to prevent this from happening, it still can happen.

Therefore, why not have the reassurance of a rent guarantee policy that covers you for most eventualities.

  • Rental income covers up to £2,500 in rental income per month, for up to 15 months.
  • Legal Expenses Cover up to £100,000 covering eviction including all notices, property legal disputes, repairs & innovation disputes, health & safety investigations & tax investigations.
  • Legal Advice Helpline giving access to 24/7 legal advice helpline
  • The policy is on the property and not the tenants. So, as long as referencing is approved (and we would ensure it is), then the policy would still be in place for the full 12-month term that you take it out for.
  • It is a nil excess policy

But, how much is the policy? I bet it’s a lot!

It entirely depends on how you much you value peace of mind and reassurance. The average rental in our area is £1,300pcm and the policy we provide for our managed landlords is competitively priced for a 12-month policy. The cost is on average less than one quarter of one month’s rent yet covers you for the whole year, providing you with the security that you will not be one of the landlords you read about in the Daily Mail who is £1000’s in debt or arrears as you are covered for this exact scenario not to happen.

What happens if I want Rent Guarantee now, but my tenants moved in over a year ago?

The good news is, as long as you have had no rental arrears, or significant breaches of contract, then you can get a Rent Guarantee Policy through us, and no further referencing is required.

Are you interested? Would you like to know more?

Call us today on 01923 447192 or email me, or Ben at and we would be delighted to chat with you.